The ability to report and respond to an incident in real time is a game changer in policing. First responders do their best to answer calls and arrive on the scene as fast as possible. However, sometimes challenges occur due to delayed reports or pending calls. The longer it takes a law enforcement officer to respond to a scene, the more public safety is compromised. Law enforcement apps provide police with instant information decreasing the amount of time it takes them to arrive at the location where the incident occurred.
Real-Time Reporting
At one time, citizens had to find a “police box” to speak with their local law enforcement or make a report.
These were phone booths around town that were a designated, direct line to the police. Though at the time
these were innovative and helpful, they delayed reporting. At that time police boxes were also the way law
enforcement officers communicated with their coworkers if they did not have a vehicle radio nearby.
Even if a city had several locations throughout the area, they had to find a phone booth to communicate
with their department.
The challenge of communicating improved with handheld radios for law enforcement officers and personal phones
for citizens. Phones that were more accessible certainly improved response time and reporting time regarding
police-related incidents. However, landlines and handheld radios still cause obstacles for communicating
with police.
The invention of cell phones instantly improved the ability and the timeframe of connecting with local law enforcement. All cellular phones allow 911 calls to go through even if the phone does not have service at that time. As cell phones evolved, features were added such as cameras. On several occasions cellphone cameras have helped citizens report and document with photographs an incident, suspect, suspicious vehicle, or any other type of information the police may need.
Smartphones take every phase of phone communication and roll it into one, handy device. In recent years, cameras have improved on cellphones and now clear photos may be taken in seconds. Smartphones provide access to applications as well which have greatly improved efficiency in communication, business, and commerce in general. Law enforcement apps have increased the effectiveness of contacting police while decreasing response time. For instance, if a citizen witnesses an incident such as a robbery, if they can safely take a photo of the suspect or the suspect’s vehicle and send it to police, the likelihood of catching the subject has already increased in probability.
Law enforcement applications are real-time crime prevention tools. The more incidents are reported, the more police presence there will be. A heavy police presence typically decreases crime. The difference between the past way of reporting to law enforcement and how one can report to the police today is the time it takes to connect and relay information. A law enforcement app allows civilians to snap photos, or record video in real-time as the incident is occurring and directly send those photos and videos to police.
Prevention Through Apps
As mentioned, the more law enforcement is around, the less likely a crime will be committed. While there are exceptions to this, more often than not, subjects are less apt to commit a crime in front of law enforcement.
A police app can provide law enforcement with a better idea of what areas in their jurisdiction need more patrolling and can help police supervisors determine where there may be an uptick in crime. For example, if a vandalism spree occurs on streets within proximity to each other, and this is reported promptly, law enforcement can pinpoint the window of time when the incidents are occurring. Having a better idea of what time a reoccurring offense happens, gives police a time of day to increase patrol in that area. An increase in police presence may not only deter the culprits from committing the crime, but law enforcement is more likely to catch the subject in the act.
Law enforcement applications can also connect police to their citizens so they may alert the public regarding an incident to be on the lookout for. Whether it is a roadblock, a traffic accident, or an armed suspect, law enforcement can post alerts through an app directly to their citizens. The more the public is aware of potentially dangerous situations, the more alert they will be. When citizens are aware of particular situations, they are more situationally aware. In addition, if a civilian receives an alert about a suspicious vehicle law enforcement is looking for, they can report any sightings of that vehicle to the police right away.
Community policing may be enhanced with the use of a police app. Numerous studies have reported positive findings on community policing. The key to this tactic is communication and an app increases and improves communication between law enforcement and citizens.
Real-time crime prevention can happen with a touch of a button. If police are handling a dangerous situation in an area of town, the department can make a post alerting citizens to stay away from that particular area for the time being. In addition, the more incidents are reported to police, the higher the chances of suspect apprehension. Too often crime goes unreported. The less police know about crimes happening around their city, the less they can stop crime. More information in any situation is always better than not enough.
Smartphones include excellent cameras with the ability to record videos and snap great-quality photos. The UCP Police app from StackBench allows citizens to upload media directly to the police in seconds, essentially in real time. A citizen can report directly to their local law enforcement agency and may send helpful evidence to police as well.

Crime Mapping
Law enforcement applications can help police officers determine what areas of their jurisdiction have increased in crime. Once those areas have been pinpointed, command staff can set up designated patrols in strategic locations. The more intel a department has regarding an increase in criminal activity, the more vigilant law enforcement can be in that area of town. A real-time crime prevention app can assist a police department in detailed crime mapping which can increase public safety.
Crime mapping can be done by taking information from each shift and then coordinating that data by district and type of crime. From there, crime trends and commonalities between crimes may be determined. This type of intel provides law enforcement officers with leads on what to look for while on patrol. For civilians, a police app is a convenient way to report incidents directly to the police. The UCP Police app allows citizens to report anonymously if they choose and the real-time crime prevention app provides law enforcement with exact GPS coordinates.
Law enforcement can utilize community policing when they are conducting crime mapping. When a citizen reports a particular crime or type of suspicious behavior, police departments can take that information and plan out patrol schedules or where they may need to implement specialized units. For instance, if there is an increase in gun-related crimes, law enforcement may wish to form a special unit of officers to watch and handle those types of crimes.
With a police app such as UCP Police, the public can connect with law enforcement with the touch of a button. This process can expedite the response time for law enforcement. When police respond to an incident more quickly, public safety can better be upheld. Though the traditional way of reporting information to law enforcement through a dispatch communication center is still effective and relevant, an app can make this process simple and convenient.
Getting a Crime Prevention App
A police app can be a helpful tool for crime mapping and can help the community communicate with their local law enforcement in a much easier manner. For an easy-to-use law enforcement application, take a look at StackBench’s website, and find out more information about the UCP Police app. This particular application is an excellent tool that both law enforcement and the citizens they serve can use. UCP Police is also customizable so a law enforcement agency can set up the application to suit the needs of their community. A police app can also allow law enforcement agencies to put out alerts regarding suspicious activity occurring in a certain area of town. These types of alerts can help the public remain situationally aware. Implementing a crime mapping app can enhance intel and public safety, and may provide solid leads for law enforcement to follow.
One of the most effective crime prevention tools is information, especially intel from eyewitnesses. When police officers are open and transparent with the people within their community, the public is much more likely to trust police and may be more willing to offer information police may be looking for. A real-time crime prevention app allows law enforcement and citizens to communicate with each other. When there is more communication between police officers and citizens, there is an increase in public safety.