Technology is advancing all the time and over the last decade, there have been huge strides in technology. For law enforcement, there have been numerous ways that technology has enhanced policing. One of the most impactful forms of new technology is Law Enforcement apps. These have been game changers for command staff and boots on the ground in law enforcement. Mobile app development is still increasing in capability, opportunity, and problem-solving. It is constantly changing, advancing, and improving. Law enforcement agencies can benefit from implementing smartphone applications into their daily operations and using them as a crime-fighting tool.
Mobile Apps for Police
Software and technology in general have enhanced policing. For instance, the development of predictive policing software has helped law enforcement agencies adapt to trends in crime in their communities and get ahead
of crime waves. The more information law enforcement officers have ahead of time, the more likely they are to prevent additional crime. Likewise, mobile app development for police departments and sheriff's offices
has been a helpful tool for more than one aspect of police work. UCP Police and UCP Sheriff from StackBench have
taken mobile applications to a whole new level by offering a convenient way for police officers and the citizens they serve to connect. The UCP apps, which stand for
Unified Communication Platform, is a convenient way to collect data and intel to build cases, increase police presence, and reduce crime.
The UCP Police app and the UCP Sheriff app offer the public a way to instantly upload videos in real-time and photos to their local law enforcement agency. The ability
to attach this type of evidence to a report or tip for police can reduce response time and can increase how quickly a subject is apprehended. For example, if there is a bank robbery and there are witnesses who were
able to safely take a photo or video of the suspect or the suspect's vehicle, this may be uploaded to police via the mobile app immediately.
Receiving an image or video quickly can provide law enforcement with an instant lead as to the person and vehicle they should be looking for. From there, this information may be distributed to other surrounding law
enforcement agencies and may be made known to the public via the app and the agency’s social media account to be on the lookout.
Before the use or development of this type of advanced technology, if a citizen witnessed a major incident or even a minor one, they would have to call the dispatch center and provide the dispatcher with the
information they had. From there, the dispatcher would have to relay that information to police on duty via radio. Though this method of communication is still used today and is still effective, an app for police
cuts down on the amount of time spent relaying the information and officers may have received instant photos which provides much quicker leads. The advancement of law enforcement mobile apps is happening constantly
and new mobile app developments are being made steadily. Now is the time to begin using this type of technology.

Tech Tools for Law Enforcement
Included in these tech tools for law enforcement is ever-evolving technology such as AR, AI, and IoT. Each of these technological tools helps
make the development of a mobile app that much better. AI (artificial intelligence) has changed how society communicates by enhancing the effectiveness of conveying a message. AR (augmented reality) provides a
real-world experience to those who use it and loT assists in processing data quickly. In addition, IoT, the Internet of Things, refers to the physical network used to exchange data. Each of these technical terms has
directly impacted mobile app development.
AR, AI, and IoT have helped make technology in apps more advanced and work more smoothly and effectively. When AR is incorporated into an application platform, it enhances visual effects on the application making the
photo or video come to life. AI is advantageous in many ways including analyzing behavior and automating routines and patterns. Furthermore, in regard to a law enforcement mobile app, AI may make it easier for
someone to report an incident they have witnessed. It can also make it more convenient for command staff when they are in a hurry and need to quickly post an alert to social media or their personnel. IoT connects
communications more efficiently, taking real-time data and enhancing the exchange of communication. IoT allows apps to become more functional which improves the users' overall experience. Having an application work
more effectively will create a positive impact on those who use it, in this case, it will help law enforcement and citizens communicate better.
When tools such as AR, AI, and IoT are combined with the parameters of an application for iPhone or Android, it can enhance the user experience and the experience of the person receiving the information. Mobile apps
for law enforcement are designed specifically with police work in mind. Law enforcement agencies can only benefit from using an application.
Though there are several advantages to utilizing law enforcement mobile apps, one of the most effective aspects is that it enables police agencies and citizens to quickly exchange information. The faster an incident
is reported or the more quickly the public is alerted of a situation, the more likely further issues are avoided. When law enforcement is notified more quickly, they can immediately respond and work on the
apprehension of a subject.
A mobile app directly connects law enforcement personnel and citizens. For instance, if there is a major accident on a roadway, command staff can use an app such as UCP Police to send an alert and social media post
in seconds and alert the public to avoid that area. In particular, with an app such as UCP Sheriff, a post could be made to several social media outlets at once with the touch of a button.
In addition, using an encrypted and secure app such as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff, law enforcement can have peace of mind that every communication they send is secure.
Additionally, the UCP apps offer the public a chance to report tips, leads, and observations anonymously and securely. Often citizens would like to inform law enforcement of an incident they may have witnessed or
share information which may lead to tips and leads. However, some individuals would rather remain anonymous and because of this they do not report what they see and know to the police. A mobile app for law
enforcement is one solution to this challenge. When citizens report more leads and observations to their local police department or sheriff's office it enhances situational awareness and promotes community policing.
Community policing is highly effective and allows police to work off of the information provided by citizens to increase police presence in certain areas of a city. Community policing also entails law enforcement
alerting the public regarding certain incidents and being transparent regarding incidents that take place. The UCP Police and the
UCP Sheriff's smartphone applications are a great way to share information with the public to gain leads in cases.
Since technology is constantly evolving and improving it also requires updates regularly. These updates mean scheduling a time to have an update completed. With a mobile app specifically designed for law enforcement,
the app can update without the police agency having to schedule a particular time and date to update the application. The more an app is improved the more it may integrate cutting-edge technology such as AR, AI, and
IoT. Each of these advancements is improving all of the time. By choosing to incorporate a mobile app into your department's daily operations, police work can easily and swiftly advance and improve.
Choosing the Best Mobile App
When it comes to improving your department, decreasing response time, and increasing successful case closures, a law enforcement app is one of the best routes to go. Since more than 80 percent of the population, in general, uses a smartphone, it is a convenient tool that almost everyone will be completely comfortable with immediately. Aside from the instant technology of video and photo sharing, the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps also offer command staff the opportunity to send messages to their officers on duty. Additionally, there is a feature that lets the supervisor know who has read the email message or who has not read it yet. Most law enforcement agencies try to have briefing meetings to inform the officers on their shift of what may have occurred during the shift prior or to let them know about any situation that may arise. However, sometimes the minute police officers arrive on shift they are busy responding to calls and this may last the entirety of a shift. The development of mobile apps for law enforcement provides a convenient way for command staff and supervisors to provide their personnel with imperative information in a secure way right to their phones.
Take a look at StackBench's website today and learn more about how the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps can improve communication and may enhance productivity in your law enforcement agency. The other advantage of using a mobile app is that as technology advances so will the mobile app. Your law enforcement agency may greatly benefit from implementing a mobile app into daily operations. The future is just beginning regarding the benefit of using a mobile police app and taking advantage of mobile app development. A mobile law enforcement application that is compatible with iPhones and Androids is a great way to connect your police officers and sheriff's deputies with the public they serve. It is also an effective way to provide your law enforcement personnel with a convenient way to obtain tips, leads, and more helpful information from the community. The more information and intel officers can obtain, the faster your law enforcement officers may apprehend suspects, and public safety may be better upheld overall.