Choosing the Right Mobile App Development Partner for Law Enforcement Solutions

Ken Schul

(Retired Captain, CMPD), Director, StackBench

Technology is constantly advancing, and with those advancements come more efficient ways to accomplish tasks we perform every day. For law enforcement professionals, a mobile app is a great way to enhance public safety for officers and citizens alike. One of the most efficient law enforcement solutions is an application. There are numerous advantages to this tool. This is because not only is a police or sheriff app beneficial for law enforcement personnel, but they are also helpful for the public.

Law Enforcement Solutions

Public Safety is ongoing; there are no breaks in law enforcement. More often than not, numerous calls for service come through at one time. Police officers are always busy, and when an incident cannot be immediately resolved, police officers and sheriff's deputies have to look for leads to pursue. A mobile app is an effective tool that may be utilized by law enforcement and the public it serves. For instance, if a hit-and-run vehicle accident occurs, and police officers are looking for the subject who fled, a push notice could be placed on the Law Enforcement app and copied to social media accounts with a description of the vehicle that left the scene. When this information is posted, if anyone in the public encounters this vehicle, they can let the police know where they saw the car and what direction they were headed. Certain applications provide the user the ability to upload videos or photos in real-time and share them with local law enforcement. The ability to receive this information quickly through a mobile app is very advantageous for law enforcement solutions.

StackBench has developed an app known as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff. UCP stands for Unified Communication Platform which is exactly what these mobile apps achieve. With a touch of a button on an iPhone or Android smartphone, local law enforcement can connect with the public they serve and protect. In addition, the public can assist law enforcement by providing tips, leads, and other imperative information police officers may need. By using the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps, law enforcement agencies can post an alert regarding a police situation across multiple social media platforms in seconds. This task may be done quickly because, with UCP Police and UCP Sheriff, one post may be made and sent across multiple places.

In the law enforcement profession, time is often of the essence; the faster a police department or sheriff's office can share this information the better the result will be. Recent studies have proven most cellphone users own a smartphone. A mobile app is an effective law enforcement solution because most of the public is already familiar with how an application works.

Another way a mobile app provides great law enforcement solutions is by connecting police officers and sheriff's deputies with each other more efficiently. If a serious situation occurs on a shift, the police officers arriving on the next shift need to know about it. Instead of trying to get everyone in one place, which is often difficult, to relay the information, supervisors and command staff can send it via an app. The UCP Police and UCP Sheriff's apps include a feature that shows the person who sent an email, and who has received and read the email. This way, shift supervisors can be sure their law enforcement personnel has been informed which will increase situational awareness. Police officers and sheriff's deputies are taught about situational awareness in their training. Situational awareness is a skill everyone should learn. It is beneficial to the public to practice situational awareness.

More Benefits of a Mobile App

The benefits of a law enforcement app are endless and will only help an agency operate smoothly. An additional advantage of a mobile app that is a great law enforcement solution is that an application enhances Community Policing. Community Policing has increased in law enforcement agencies over the last few years. The basis of this concept is that law enforcement and citizens exchange information with the common goal of upholding public safety. Law enforcement agencies have used Community Policing to enhance police presence in areas that may be more susceptible to crime than other areas. With a mobile app such as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff from StackBench, individuals can make anonymous reports. Many times, a concerned citizen may wish to report an incident they witnessed but they may not want to be directly involved. The ability to remain anonymous allows the public to report information to law enforcement that may help them confidently and securely apprehend a suspect.

The concept of community policing is focused on working with the public. In a recent study, it was determined that 80% of law enforcement agencies incorporate community policing into their daily operations and patrol tactics. When law enforcement is transparent and lets the public know what is happening in their town, citizens are much more likely to share information they may have. The more intel and data police officers and sheriff's deputies collect, the better they can patrol, protect, and apprehend subjects.

When law enforcement is communicative and more transparent with the public, it makes a positive impact on the community as well as the reputation of the police. A mobile app is one of the most convenient and effective law enforcement solutions available. Most police or sheriff apps are budget-friendly for law enforcement agencies and are free for the public to use. A mobile app such as UCP Police and UCP Sheriff from StackBench makes it easy for law enforcement to communicate with the public and let them know what is happening. Using an application as a law enforcement solution enhances public safety as a whole.

A mobile app can serve as a resource for the community as well. The UCP apps from StackBench are designed to be customizable so that law enforcement agencies can set up the application in the best way possible for their department and their community. The UCP Police app has a section dedicated to information about the police department, as well as public safety webinars and health and wellness resources. When police departments and sheriff's offices provide these tools to citizens directly it makes it convenient for the public to access this type of information. The UCP Sheriff app may be set up to show inmate lists and information regarding county permits as well.

Finally, a police or sheriff app decreases the time it may take for a police officer to respond to a call. Due to the convenience and efficiency of an application such as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff, citizens can report an incident directly to local law enforcement. Though dispatch and emergency call centers are still crucial for first responder operations, there are often miscommunications. These occur when a caller reports information to an individual such as a dispatcher and the dispatcher then relays the information to police officers. A mobile app allows the caller to directly upload information, even photos and videos to law enforcement. The UCP Police and UCP Sheriff applications can provide police officers and sheriff's deputies with the exact GPS coordinates of the user. Having this information in hand immediately cuts down on miscommunication regarding where an incident may be occurring. When police officers have exact information and do not have to spend extra time trying to find out what street or house an incident took place in, they may arrive at the emergency faster. When law enforcement is able to respond to a call of service quickly, it is best for the situation and all of the individuals involved.

How to Choose the Right App

Choose from the right app depending on your department's needs.

Take a look at StackBench's website for more information regarding the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff's applications. These are compatible with both iPhone and Android smartphones. Both of these particular apps cover the communication needs of the community that police officers serve and are great law enforcement solutions. The UCP Police app includes features specific to city police officers while the UCP Sheriff app includes features that are best for county sheriff's deputies.

A mobile app for police is an effective way to connect community members directly to local law enforcement. It is also a great way to connect police officers with other agencies in neighboring jurisdictions. By sharing information with other police departments and sheriff's offices, law enforcement agencies can work together to uphold public safety for their communities.

The UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps are also safe to use. Your police department or sheriff's office can use this app without having to worry about sensitive information getting into the wrong hands because all data is encrypted. When you have peace of mind through a secure mobile app, it is another step towards effective law enforcement solutions.

Take a look at StackBench's website today to find out how your law enforcement agency can find a smart solution for daily operations by using a police mobile app. Incorporating a mobile app for police into daily law enforcement operations will make a positive difference in your police agency.