Several years ago, community policing was almost non-existent. Over the last decade or so, the concept of community policing has caught on quickly and has increased in use. By utilizing community policing, police departments can build trust and rapport with the members of their communities. This type of networking also allows law enforcement to get a better handle on crime throughout the city they serve. A community policing app takes this tactic to a new level by instantly connecting police with citizens. Those departments that have implemented this type of policing have seen positive impacts; police applications for smartphones are enhancing policing on all levels.
Technology is improving communication by leaps and bounds, especially in the world of policing. Before in-car
computers and printers, police officers had to go back to the office to write reports and traffic tickets had
to be written on pads of paper with a carbon copy in the back. While these methods worked at the time, they
took time out of the officer's day. The more time spent at the office, the less time an officer spends on
the street. The less time spent on the street the less patrolling is conducted. When an officer patrols their
jurisdiction it helps maintain police presence, a heavier police presence statistically decreases crime.
This is just one of many ways law enforcement software has increased efficiency.
Law enforcement apps
for Android and iPhone can take an otherwise three to four-step process and decrease it down to two steps.
For instance, traditionally, if a citizen would like to report an incident to their local police department
they must call the police department dispatch center, and let the dispatcher know the details of the incident
they are calling about and where the incident is taking place. From there, the dispatcher must radio police
officers to go the the scene. Though this process can be quick, it is not as fast as using a public safety app.
In addition, when information is passed on in this manner it can at times be misconstrued.
When a citizen reports to local law enforcement using a community policing app, they can provide the police
and the proper division within the police department with the proper information, directly. Instead of
calling a general non-emergency number, a citizen can send a message directly to a particular unit in
their local police department. This cuts down on the likelihood of misinformation and it decreases the
response time as well. A police app such as UCP Police from
StackBench can provide police with the exact location
of the reporting party including GPS coordinates so police officers can go directly to the location of the
incident without any guesswork. The more accurate information police officers are provided the faster
they can get to the call.
Bridging the Gap
A community policing app benefits everyone in the community and allows law enforcement to communicate more effectively with each other. For instance, an application allows supervisors and command staff to send messages directly to personnel and may also alert them when their message has been read. This keeps department personnel accountable and lets supervisors know their officers received potentially imperative information.
At times citizens fail to report incidents they may observe or witness because they wish to remain anonymous.
While reports can still be made anonymously the traditional way through a police communications center,
it is far easier to remain anonymous through a police app that provides an option of anonymity. The fact that
reporting an incident to the police on an application is quick and convenient may increase how often citizens
relay information to their local police department. The more information law enforcement has, the more
situationally aware police officers which helps maintain safety within their communities.
For the younger generations who thrive on technology and smartphones, a law enforcement app is an effective
way to bridge the gap between the younger population and police officers. Smartphones are present with just
about every person in society. A law enforcement app for Android or a law enforcement app for iPhone provides
the public with a direct tool in their pocket to keep communication open and easily accessible. Having a
direct line to law enforcement can increase public safety and situational awareness for both police officers
and civilians.
The more information police have and the faster they obtain that intel, the faster they can respond to a call.
The more quickly police respond to an incident, the more the public is going to trust, rely on, and desire to
help police in the future with information authorities may be looking for. Recent studies have proven that
community policing is effective and provides a positive correlation between law enforcement and the public
they serve. Often citizens will be privy to helpful information that police may not be. This is a prime example
of how community policing can be effective.
Incorporating a community policing app into a department’s infrastructure can help build rapport, and trust,
and mend the relationship between the public and law enforcement. In the current societal environment,
the police are often viewed in a poor or untrustworthy light. This is unfortunate since law enforcement put
their best foot forward to protect their communities. Most of the negative connotation of police derives
from one-sided news stories or rumors. Unfortunately, these are the stories that have resonated with the
public most. However, when law enforcement actively works on building community relations with the public
they serve, it can help to change this perspective. The more the public trusts the police serving their
community the better it is for police morale. When law enforcement has a positive morale, they will be able
to maintain public safety better.

The more transparent a police department is with the citizens of their community, the more the public will
trust their local law enforcement. Of course, there will be instances when police cannot divulge particular
details or information to the public. However, when police let the public know about an incident that may be
happening, it can have a positive impact in a few different ways. Firstly, relating certain information to
the public can increase public safety. For instance, if a vehicle accident occurs, and a section of a roadway
is blocked, law enforcement can let the public know about the roadblock so they can avoid the area. This type
of information keeps police and the public safe.
Another way transparency builds trust is that the more information the police can relate to the public the
less rumors may circulate regarding an area that is heavy with police presence. The fewer rumors spread,
the better for public safety in general.
Finally, when law enforcement lets the citizens in the community know about an incident that they may be
looking for more information about it helps to build rapport and a community connection. The more the public
trusts their local law enforcement and the more they view police officers in a positive light, the more
likely they are going call law enforcement with tips and leads on a case.
Community Connection
Social media has done a great job of connecting businesses and other establishments with the patrons in their community. Likewise, social media can strengthen the bond between police and civilians. While effective, it can be difficult to find the time, especially for police departments, to post to their social media accounts. A public safety app such as UCP Police allows law enforcement agencies to make one post, and send it out across multiple social media platforms at once. This is just one of the many advantages of utilizing a public safety app in a community. Another advantage is how convenient it is to use a police app for both citizens and police officers.
A community policing app may be customized in such a way that allows police departments to provide additional information about their department to the community. An app such as this also gives police departments the ability to offer free resources such as health and wellness information to the community.
A law enforcement app for Android and iPhone is a good way to connect community members with their local law enforcement. The stronger the connection between police and the public they serve, the more public safety can be enhanced. When citizens provide police with more information regarding suspicious activity, law enforcement can set up close patrols and watch particular areas of town more closely. When there is an increase in police presence, it is often a deterrent for crime.
Finding the Right Campus Security App
A police app is usually economical for a police department and free to the public they serve. This type of technology can make a large and positive impact on communities. Most community policing apps are customizable to suit each police department and its communities. Learn more about police apps such as UCP Police and their benefits at StackBench’s website.