Technology is now a part of our daily lives. We use it to communicate, we use it to connect, we use it to find information, we use it to research, and the list could go on endlessly. Applications make accessing certain websites even easier; law enforcement can use this technology by implementing a Police App or Sheriff App into their daily operations. An App for Police allows law enforcement agencies to connect with the public they serve. Likewise, the public can use an app to contact their local police department. In addition to these benefits, law enforcement investigators and officers can use technology and police or sheriff applications to educate the public on cybercrime prevention.
As the use of technology in general grows, so does criminal activity. A recent study revealed that 48 percent of fraud cases originated online. These cases include identity theft or theft in general. It is for this reason, that citizens need to use caution when using websites and applications. It is important to visit only those sites known to be legitimate, and never give out personal information to unknown sources online that are sensitive such as social security numbers or bank account information.
How can a police app or sheriff app help combat cybercrime? One way is that a cop app directly connects law enforcement to the public they serve. A Police App such as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff developed by StackBench is a customizable app that may be used as a resource for community members. This app is also an effective way for police officers and sheriff's deputies to send out alerts to the public to make them aware of potentially dangerous circumstances. For instance, if there is a roadway affected by inclement weather or a vehicle accident that has resulted in a roadblock, law enforcement can send an alert out to users of their app as well as to social media platforms by simply making one post. UCP, which stands for Unified Communication Platform, takes several forms of communication and makes it easy to use in one app. This way, law enforcement personnel may save time and effort, and can alert the public quickly.
For example, if there have been several calls to police dispatch regarding a credit card scam or some other fraud case, law enforcement can make the public aware by creating a social media post to warn them. In the post, they can provide the public with tips for avoiding fraud and what to do if they encounter that situation. Then, with the touch of a button, the post created by law enforcement can be sent out across multiple platforms.
Society uses cell phones constantly and approximately 97 percent of the population has a smartphone. This number has increased over the last year and will continue to climb. Because this number is so high, it is safe to assume that most of the population uses an app daily. For this reason, a cop app is a convenient solution to any discord in communication that may be present in a community between citizens and police. Not only does a Police App enable law enforcement to easily and directly communicate with citizens but an app makes it easy for the public to provide law enforcement with useful tips and leads for their cases.
For instance, if there have been multiple reports regarding a particular phone or internet scam, community members who may have encountered this situation may be able to give police officers or sheriff's deputies helpful information. Often a citizen may wish to report an incident they have experienced or have seen but do not want to be directly involved; because of this many incidents go unreported. However, a Police App or Sheriff App such as the Cop App from StackBench allows community members to report an incident and remain anonymous. This feature provides a way for citizens to comfortably and confidently report an incident to their local police department. In turn, law enforcement benefits from receiving the information provided by the citizen. The more information is exchanged, the more likely police officers and sheriff's deputies will find and apprehend a suspect.
A Police App or Sheriff's App encourages community policing which has proven successful for many communities over the last few years. Community policing entails the public providing information to local law enforcement so that they uphold public safety. If there is a certain street where criminal activity has increased, and citizens have reported these incidents, law enforcement can send more officers to that area to increase police presence which deters crime. By sending more officers and deputies to patrol that area, law enforcement may be able to apprehend suspects quickly. The same may be said for cybercrime situations. When citizens report any scams or situations involving potential fraud by using a Police App, law enforcement will receive the information promptly and can respond accordingly.

A Cop App can help prevent cybercrime as well. Law enforcement agencies can help prevent or decrease the likelihood of fraud occurring by educating citizens. The UCP Police App has a designated section for resources for citizens. A law enforcement agency can upload information on how to prevent crime in general, or topics may be more specific such as 'ways to prevent cybercrime' or 'how to prevent car theft'. A Sheriff App with a section for resources is an effective and convenient way to educate the public on important topics and serve as a helpful resource for education on crime prevention.
The more information law enforcement has regarding recent cybercrime acts, the better they can apprehend a subject and prevent this type of crime from happening again. A Cop App is a budget-friendly tool for police agencies to use to protect the citizens in their communities more effectively. An App for Police can also increase effective communication within a police department. The UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps have a section designated to interpersonal communication. Command staff can use this tool to send out important memos to their officers on duty. These particular cop apps have a feature that allows supervisors to see who has read the memo or email they have sent to their staff.
In many instances, this is helpful, especially when command staff is relating safety information to their police officers and sheriff's deputies. The more information and intel officers have regarding what is happening in their communities, the more public safety, as well as officer safety, can be upheld. Supervisors can use a police app to relate important information about recent cybercrime reports. A Police or Sheriff's App allows law enforcement to be more prepared for situations ahead. In addition, an App for Police makes exchanging and sharing intel with other law enforcement agencies nearby convenient.
A Police App is free for the public and can make citizens more comfortable and confident when reporting incidents to police departments. As mentioned, the more details law enforcement has regarding a situation the better. More information enhances situational awareness for the public and citizens alike. Preventative measures against cybercrime, gang violence, burglaries, and other crimes may be increased by exchanging information through a Cop App.
The Best Police and Sheriff App
Preventative measures against cybercrime and other offenses may only be put into place when there is sufficient information. A Cop App makes sharing information between police and the public convenient. StackBench's apps UCP Police and UCP Sheriff are effective tools for combating crime. These apps also include categories for law enforcement agencies to provide citizens with information through videos, webinars, and other resources. This feature included in these particular Police Apps and Sheriff's Apps is set in place to educate the public about certain topics that can help them stay vigilant and recognize when there is a threat and they need to call the police.
Take a look at the StackBench website today and find out more about the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps. A Cop App connects law enforcement directly to the public they serve and can enhance community policing. When community policing increases, public safety is upheld.
Cybercrime is becoming alarmingly more prevalent. It is for this reason that police departments and sheriff's offices should provide the citizens in their respective communities with information on how to prevent cybercrime from happening to them. An App for Police can serve as a tool for law enforcement to receive information about potential cybercrime activity. A Cop App can also be a helpful and effective resource for the public to learn about cybercrime and how to prevent it.
When choosing a Police App or Sheriff App take a look at the applications from StackBench. As technology increases, so should preventative measures against cybercrime. A Cop App is a great way to further protect the community. Find out more about how an App for Police and an App for Sheriffs can help both the public and police departments fight cybercrime efficiently and effectively.