Technology, specifically applications, has changed the way we connect, communicate, and live life. Law enforcement is also experiencing the impact of apps by utilizing this technology to their advantage to help combat crime and engage more effectively with the citizens they serve.
Crime Prevention App
How does an app help reduce crime? There are many ways a police mobile app assists to combat crime. Connecting citizens directly to their local law enforcement creates enhanced situational awareness for both law enforcement and the public within their communities. Situational awareness stems from the knowledge of knowing exactly what is going on around you and who is around you. Law enforcement professionals are trained to be vigilant and situationally aware at all times. Likewise, citizens can practice this mindset by paying attention to their surroundings and reporting any suspicious activity to the police.
Apps for police departments can help citizens be aware of what is going on around them and can help them report any suspicious activity. In turn, law enforcement can use a police mobile app to alert citizens of any incidents they should be aware of. An app such as this can be used as a tool for crime prevention too. Police departments can take the information they have obtained from those who have provided info through the app and can form plans to patrol specific areas of town to reduce crime. The more there is a police presence the less likely a crime will be committed.
A police mobile app serves as a platform where citizens and the law enforcement in their community can exchange information easily, quickly, and even anonymously. UCP Police, an application developed by StackBench, includes a feature that allows the public to submit anonymous tips or leads. This way an individual can report any details of incidents they may have witnessed but can keep their identity anonymous.
Often the public may not mind sharing their name with police, but at times certain individuals wish to remain unnamed but would still like to report suspicious incidents to police officers. A crime prevention app such as UCP Police provides confidence and convenience to citizens who would like to report any tips to their local law enforcement.
Police departments and command staff within those departments can take the information provided to them and use that to plan an effective patrol schedule. For instance, if one area of town has been victimized by graffiti, and many citizens have called with descriptions of the culprits as well as the areas where the vandalism is occurring, command staff can set up their personnel to patrol those particular areas. In addition, if these reports have a time when these incidents have been happening, supervisors can have police officers on their shift patrol those areas at specific times. In this example, the information from citizens would help police officers determine when the best time to patrol the area that has been vandalized. With more law enforcement present in that area, police officers may be able to catch the suspects or prevent this type of incident from happening again simply because they are in the area on a more regular basis.
Community Engagement
Community policing has proven to be quite effective over the last few years. When a community engages with their local law enforcement there appears to be a crime reduction and more trust between the public and law enforcement. A mobile police app bridges the gap that often occurs between police and citizens. Many police departments try to involve the public they serve in many different ways including community coffee sessions or lunches. Though these are effective ways to connect with the public, an app such as UCP Police is one of the most effective ways to bring police and the public they serve together. Applications and technology are extremely prevalent in society today and just about everyone has a smartphone filled with apps. A crime prevention app such as UCP Police is an easy way to communicate with police as most people are familiar with these platforms and use them daily.
Providing the public with an application that is free of charge to them, and is economical for police departments is a good way to connect police officers with the public they serve and it is a good way to promote communication and connection.
A mobile police app such as UCP Police allows the community to receive alerts from their local law enforcement as well. For example, if there is an accident somewhere and law enforcement needs to block an area of that particular road, a crime prevention app would allow them to make an alert to several social media platforms in one, easy click. When the public knows to avoid a particular area, it enhances both officer and public safety.
Law enforcement can also utilize a mobile police app by broadcasting messages and posts regarding information they are looking for. For instance, if there is a person of interest or a suspect vehicle police are looking for, law enforcement can alert the public to be on the lookout for a particular person or vehicle. Providing the public with this type of information allows law enforcement to keep the public aware and more safe about a situation. Sharing this type of information also allows law enforcement to keep the public safe by alerting them of subjects or vehicles they should avoid. In turn, the public can relate information to the police if they happen to witness a situation.
Certain apps such as UCP Police are customizable as well. This means a law enforcement agency can tailor the app to provide information to their specific community members. The UCP Police app allows agencies to add resources such as health and wellness, and more information about the police chief or the local police department so the community can get to know their local law enforcement. The more a community knows about their local law enforcement agency the more likely they are to trust them. The more the public trusts their police the more likely they will be willing to help them.
Finally, a mobile police app helps law enforcement reduce their response time. The ability to receive information more quickly gives police the upper hand when it comes to response time. Though traditional call centers are still extremely important and are an integral part of law enforcement response, a crime prevention app enables the public to report an incident they see instantly. In addition, apps for police departments such as UCP Police can provide exact GPS coordinates of the reporting party. This particular feature is extremely helpful in the event a dispatch call center cannot hear the reporting party or gets disconnected. An app that provides the exact location coordinates does not leave room for any guesswork. Instead, first responders can go immediately to the location of the incident. When an exact location is known by local law enforcement they can respond much more quickly which enhances public safety. This is because the faster police are able to respond, the more quickly an apprehension may occur. An app for police departments connects law enforcement to the community they serve directly.

Choosing the Right Police App
When it comes to choosing the right mobile police app, take a look at the StackBench website to find out more about the UCP Police app. This particular app is customizable and is an effective way to connect citizens with the police in their city. The more police and their citizens interact the more public safety is upheld.
The UCP Police app can help police departments connect with the public they serve as well as allow command staff to communicate with their personnel better and more efficiently. An app for police can provide command staff with the ability to keep their officers accountable. UCP Police enables supervisors to ensure their officers receive a particular memo. Often police departments put out important memos regarding an incident that may have taken place. The majority of the time, officers can receive these alerts but at times, especially when time is of the essence, police officers must receive the information quickly and effectively. The UCP Police app allows command staff the ability to see if a member of their staff has read a particular email or alert. This way, command staff can ensure their officers are informed and safe as well.
A police mobile app makes it easy for citizens to connect with their local law enforcement. When this type of communication is enhanced, public safety is increased as well. Take a look at StackBench’s website to find out more about how a crime prevention app can help your department and community today. UCP Police offers more than just a convenient app, it offers a community connection, and it also provides peace of mind to both police officers and the citizens they serve. Check out the UCP Police application today to find out how you can connect your community and police department.