Incorporating an app for police is a big decision. Mobile technology can change the daily operations in a police or sheriff's department. There are pros and cons to every type of technology, including applications. Introducing an application into a department can also be overwhelming, however, the pros of using a law enforcement app far outweigh the cons.
The Problem in the Past
Before smartphones or even email, law enforcement solely communicated using handheld radios and landline telephones. The first police radio was developed in 1928. The new invention helped police communicate more effectively, but it was still only with one-way communication. The original patrol car radio allowed personnel at the station to relay information regarding crimes to those officers in patrol cars. The original two-way radio was developed in 1933 and has been prevalent in police work to this day. Though this was a technological advancement for the time, the means of communication have improved by leaps and bounds.
Radios are a reliable source of communication the majority of the time. However, there may be moments when an officer is sent to a location where their radio cannot reach a signal. Landlines are dependable but are stationary. Before modern technology, police had to rely on these two ways of connecting with coworkers. This form of communication limited the amount of information the officer received at times. When a radio fails to work, it can potentially jeopardize officers' safety. By using a cop application an officer may be contacted in a few different ways in just one place.
These methods of communication are still prominently used in police departments, however, the way of communicating has improved with the advancement of technology. When emails were first introduced into the workplace, this gave officers and command staff a faster way to connect.
Another common challenge police and sheriff’s departments have faced is ensuring their personnel receives and reads imperative information before their shift. For example, if an armed suspect is on the loose, officers must be on the lookout for the suspect. The officer needs to know this type of information immediately. The quicker information is related, the faster an officer can respond to that situation. When an officer is given information well ahead of time, this increases their safety as well as the safety of the public.
The traditional way of receiving and passing on information presents a challenge. For officers, their supervisor may send them intel regarding a case, but the officer may not see that information until much later. This is a common occurrence, especially in department email threads. An email is an effective way to communicate, but when time is of the essence, it may not be the most efficient method of communication.
Police apps benefit both the officers and the public and can be a resource for the public they serve. UCP Police and UCP Sheriff, two apps from StackBench, include customizable features that may be fine-tuned to the specific needs of a community. For example, the UCP Sheriff app has a section called Know Your Sheriff, which allows sheriff's offices to include information about the agency to the public. There is also a section with information regarding the most wanted individuals. These categories provide the public with helpful safety information.
The UCP apps include encrypted features so any intel passed through communication is kept safe. The encrypted feature allows law enforcement personnel to contact each other without the fear of information becoming compromised. Also included in these particular police and sheriff apps is the ability for law enforcement personnel to connect directly. By communicating with fellow personnel through an application, supervisors can keep tabs on their officers to ensure they receive information. This feature keeps everyone within the email chain accountable, which increases officer safety. If there is suspect information, an officer needs to know about it to maintain public safety. The more information a law enforcement officer has, the better they can keep themselves and their community safe.

Present Day Problems
We have much more effective technology than we did in the past, but there are still challenges. For instance, technology will occasionally fail or not work to its fullest capacity. When these roadblocks occur, the original police radios are helpful.
Another obstacle for law enforcement officers is they may not have mobile work phones available. Work phones for police officers are becoming more prevalent, and a police or sheriff app is equally beneficial to the public and is free for civilians. There is also the possibility that an app may be equipped on any smartphone, whether personal or professional.
Law enforcement can benefit from the latest technology, however, becoming comfortable with this type of technology can be another obstacle. When personnel are familiar with a particular system, it can be challenging to get everyone on board with the new program. However, when the positives of the new system are presented, personnel will soon be accepting of the new system.
Budgets are another roadblock for departments. Most police applications are designed with city and county expenses in mind. With a cop app, law enforcement agencies can have peace of mind knowing an app is usually equipped with automatic updates. With traditional equipment, to upgrade or update a system, it has to be manually completed, scheduled and planned. Updates can also cost much more money, especially if a system is out-of-date. With the advancement of technology, some applications will automatically update.
The public often witnesses events and will have excellent information to pass on to law enforcement. Some witnesses are deterred from contacting the police because they wish to remain anonymous or are unsure who they should speak to within the police department if it is not a situation of immediate urgency. With a police or sheriff app, citizens can contact the direct division that would handle the type of event that has taken place within the agency. UCP from StackBench includes a feature that allows the public to report an incident they see anonymously. The easier it is for an individual to make a police report or offer leads or tips, the more likely a citizen will report what they witness. The ability to maintain anonymity is another factor that may increase the likelihood of a citizen reporting to the police.
Citizens often like to be informed regarding inmates that may be released soon, permit information, and other resources counties handle. With the UCP Sheriff app from StackBench, the public can look up the details of information by using the application. This particular app for sheriff's offices is compatible with both IOS and Android platforms.
The Solution
Currently, smartphones provide the ability to check emails directly on the phone. This level of connectivity has taken care of many challenges when conversing with staff; an application takes the convenience of communicating efficiently and quickly to another level. An app for the police is fast and efficient. It also enhances public safety as a whole. The more information law enforcement has regarding a situation, the more alert they can be while on duty to protect themselves and the citizens they serve.
Police apps not only connect law enforcement personnel, but apps also connect citizens directly to police. The ability to contact police or sheriff’s departments with the touch of a button increases the public’s tendency to communicate with law enforcement. The Unified Communication Platform from StackBench offers citizens a way to connect to police instantly and anonymously.
A police or sheriff app is not just a method of communicating between law enforcement and the public; it is also a platform for resources, alerts, and other helpful information. The more transparent a law enforcement agency is with the public they serve, the more trust is built between officers and citizens. In addition, when the police can alert the public regarding particular situations, it increases public safety overall.
Incorporating a law enforcement app into a department’s daily operations is a simple and effective way to utilize modern technology. One of the most positive aspects of an app is that most of society already knows how to navigate this type of technology. This makes implementing an application easy.
A police app or sheriff app does not take the place of the other ways of communication a department has, instead, it enhances the other forms of connection. An app allows the public to easily report any activity witnessed to the police. A law enforcement app also allows police and sheriff's departments to alert the public of any road closures, accidents, or other types of police activity in their area. Law enforcement agencies can let the public know about a situation by making one alert and posting it on several social media platforms. UCP Police and UCP Sheriff make it easy for command and administrative staff to post alerts on social media. In addition, if the police are looking for more information on a subject, they can easily make a post about the information they need and can alert the public.
Improve Policing
Departments can enhance daily operations with the incorporation of a police app. By implementing this specific type of technology, officer safety and public safety will increase. In addition to an increase in safety, response time may be reduced which in turn, provides the public more peace of mind. Citizens are much more likely to trust their local law enforcement and be willing to offer leads to police when they see positive results such as quick response time.
A cop app such as UCP Police and UCP Sheriff can bridge the gap between law enforcement and their community, allowing police to be more transparent while allowing the public to have a direct point of contact with police. The more convenient it is for an individual to connect with law enforcement, the more likely they will support police and sheriff departments.
A police or sheriff app can not only improve the way departments operate, but an app can also increase policing on all levels within a community. Every challenge law enforcement agencies faced before may be overcome with a police app. To learn more about police and sheriff apps and their benefits visit StackBench.