How StackBench's Wellness App Supports Mental Health for Law Enforcement Personnel

Ken Schul

(Retired Captain, CMPD), Director, StackBench

Law Enforcement officers face dire situations every day. This means split-second decision-making and life-threatening choices are made frequently, and usually when it is someone's worst day, the police are there to help. Being a police officer is a noble profession, however, it can be very daunting. When a law enforcement officer notices burnout or mental or physical changes, officers need to address these changes. One way to do so is to find resources for Law Enforcement Wellness. A Police Wellness App is a convenient way to find these resources.

Law Enforcement Health

A police officer's job is by no means easy. It is one of the most dangerous and stressful jobs out there. However, it is also a rewarding career that can make a huge, positive impact in every community. Due to the nature of the job, many law enforcement professionals seek counseling for their mental health. In a recent study, it was determined that approximately 47 percent of police officers suffer from PTSD. This is much higher than the majority of the population. In addition, only about 20 percent of these law enforcement officers seek the help they need. This begs the question, why don't they receive the help they need? There could be many reasons including no time due to work schedules, or lack of resources.

Law enforcement officers must have quick and easy access to any health and wellness help they may need. After all, a deputy or police officer can only protect the community they serve properly if they care for themselves. A Mental Health App specifically designed for law enforcement is an excellent and effective solution to supporting law enforcement wellness. An application is a great solution because it is a platform that most individuals are familiar with. This way, law enforcement officers can easily access the health and wellness resources they need.

The applications UCP Police and UCP Sheriff by StackBench are ideal solutions for many areas of police work, including providing law enforcement personnel with health and wellness resources. This app includes a Wellness Solution that may be filed with local health and wellness contacts. By providing officers with a convenient solution at their fingertips, law enforcement agencies are helping their personnel be the best they can be for their communities. The Wellness Solution in the StackBench Police Wellness Apps includes resources such as Peer Support, Chaplains, and additional health tools. There is also information for police officers educating them on how to recognize early signs of PTSD and depression so they can receive the help they need immediately. Finally, in the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff apps, there are videos, podcasts, and more all focused on law enforcement wellness.

Too many law enforcement officers do not have access to the health and wellness resources they need. By implementing a law enforcement app into department operations, police officers can receive the help they may need and can be the best version of themselves. The healthier a law enforcement officer is, the better they can protect and serve their respective communities. At the heart of law enforcement is public safety. Police Officers and Sheriff's Deputies can only protect their communities if they are fit and ready to do so.

Applications for Police

There are numerous advantages when it comes to a Police Wellness App. These advantages include connecting members of the community with local law enforcement which enhances community policing. Community policing is an effective way to bridge the gap between police officers and the citizens they serve. When police and sheriff's departments are transparent and inclusive with the public, it can build trust and a positive rapport throughout the community. The more positive feedback law enforcement receives, the better the morale of a police department will be. It is already difficult being a police officer or sheriff's deputy without adding to that stress with negative feedback from the public. When a community trusts their police officers and supports them this can help law enforcement officers develop positivity.

How does a smartphone application help law enforcement agencies be transparent? A police app such as UCP Police and UCP Sheriff provides police professionals with an easy way to contact their local law enforcement. Using an application that works on iPhones and Androids that is designed for police is a convenient and reliable resource. For instance, more than 80 percent of the population owns and uses a smartphone daily. Most of these phones include applications for a variety of topics. When a police department or sheriff's office implements a Police Wellness App it also benefits the community. This application appeals to all generations, including Millenials and Gen-Z. With the touch of a button, a citizen can report an incident they witness or even share a photo and upload a video to help law enforcement. Likewise, a law enforcement agency can use a Law Enforcement Wellness App to alert the public regarding an area of town they may need to avoid to maintain safety.

Community policing benefits law enforcement and citizens alike. When a police department or sheriff's office posts information about what is happening in the community, the public is more likely to trust their local law enforcement. When individuals trust police officers it helps law enforcement to have confidence on the job. In addition, when community members trust their police, they are more likely to offer tips and leads to support law enforcement in investigations.

By using an application such as UCP Police and UCP Sheriff by StackBench, law enforcement agencies can keep their officers accountable and informed as well. For instance, with the Police Wellness App from StackBench, law enforcement agencies can utilize the app to communicate with officers within their departments as well. Command staff can easily send out memos through the application and be able to tell who has read the message. This way, supervisors can ensure if an officer did not read an important message they can relay that information to them. The more information a police officer or sheriff's deputy is given at the beginning of their shift the more vigilant they can be. The purpose of shift briefings is to inform law enforcement officers of what has been happening on other shifts. This way those officers coming onto the new shift will be situationally aware and mentally prepared for potential situations. Situational awareness and mental health go hand in hand. Situational awareness allows a law enforcement officer to be keenly aware of what is happening around them. The more an officer knows about their surroundings or what could potentially occur, the better they can protect themselves and the community.

The ability to effectively and easily communicate with the public as well as with other law enforcement personnel through an application makes a police app platform a reliable source for Law Enforcement Wellness too.

A police app can offer peace of mind to law enforcement, which in turn provides comfort and confidence to police officers. When a law enforcement officer is confident in their decisions, they will make better choices with each action they take.

UCP Police is a Law Enforcement Wellness App

Law enforcement can put their best foot forward each day on duty and during their off time when they are given the resources to help them. Not only do the UCP Police app and the UCP Sheriff app provide officers a great way to communicate but it also gives them the tools they need to enhance their mental wellness. When any individual feels well and is thinking clearly, they will do a better job. This is true as well for police officers.

Part of mental wellness involves communication. A police application makes communicating as simple as a touch of a button. Studies have shown when an individual has a human connection and can converse or interact with another person their overall health improves. Being a law enforcement professional can be lonely. Though every police officer and sheriff's deputy works with others within their department, it is still important to connect with others and communicate often. For sheriff's deputies who work in rural areas, they may go hours or days without seeing another person in their department. This can be taxing on the mind, but with a Mental Health App such as UCP Police or UCP Sheriff, deputies can connect with others in their department and can find the resources they need to maintain Law Enforcement Wellness.

When choosing a Police Wellness App for your department, look no further than StackBench. Take a look at the StackBench website for more information about both the UCP Police and the UCP Sheriff apps. Both of these applications were designed with law enforcement in mind. Additionally, these applications can also serve as a Mental Health App. Law enforcement agencies can customize UCP Police and UCP Sheriff to suit their specific department's needs. Spend time on StackBench's website today and learn more about why the UCP Police and UCP Sheriff's applications should be your first choice when it comes to Law Enforcement Wellness.