Exploring Key Features of the Sheriff App by StackBench

Ken Schul

(Retired Captain, CMPD), Director, StackBench

The Sheriff App from StackBench is an excellent way to connect deputies to the communities they serve. It is also an easy-to-use resource for community members as well. The UCP Sheriff app for sheriff’s offices has several key features that make connecting and communicating convenient, fast, and reliable. A sheriff's office mobile app is also an effective way to be transparent with the public. The more transparent a law enforcement agency is the more likely citizens will trust them.

The App

Often, sheriff’s office mobile applications, such as the UCP Sheriff App are customizable so that each law enforcement agency can add specific features or categories to make their app fit the community they serve. Since every county is different, the ability to tailor the UCP Sheriff app to the needs of the public is an advantageous feature.

The UCP Sheriff’s app has multiple options to make the app for the sheriff’s office unique to each law enforcement agency that uses it. Featured categories include inmate information, Know Your Sheriff, the ability to streamline communication, department information, most wanted lists, and permit information. Other categories include but are not limited to, the ability to link to social media, a secure connection, a good samaritan category, and wellness solutions. Each of the categories is customizable and is one of the many key features included in this particular sheriff’s office mobile application.

Before the usage of modern technology, if a community member wanted to find out more information about their local sheriff’s office, they physically went to the office. Website availability increased the ease of finding more info about a local law enforcement agency; an application is a more direct way to obtain information and a much more convenient and fast way to navigate.


The key features on the UCP Sheriff app by StackBench are designed to connect the community with their local sheriff’s office, and these features make it easier for the deputies to communicate with each other and their command staff.

The social media feature and the messaging capabilities are two of the key features of this particular app for the sheriff's office to enhance communication between the public and deputies. The social media feature allows sheriffs, command staff, or administrative members to post on several social media platforms at once with the touch of a button. This saves time and allows law enforcement to instantly connect with the community.

The messaging feature in UCP Sheriff allows deputies and command staff to exchange secure and encrypted memos. This key feature has templates that may be created ahead of time to make the process even faster. Often sheriff’s offices will have briefings either before or after shift change. However, at times it can be challenging to gather all personnel together especially if there is an incident actively occurring. With the ability to send a secure message through a sheriff’s office mobile application, command staff can rest assured their subordinates will receive the important information quickly. Another advantage to sending memos through a sheriff's app is that each message is sent securely and read receipts show who has and has not read the memo. Instead of broadcasting the potentially sensitive information over the radio, intel may be sent directly to the deputy. This key feature enhances public safety and allows radio channels to stay open.

Another way an app for sheriff’s offices connects users is by making it easy for the public to contact their local sheriff’s office. For instance, if a citizen witnesses an incident they wish to report to law enforcement, they can do so by simply messaging through the UCP Sheriff app. The reporting party can even upload pertinent videos and photos directly to sheriff’s deputies. The UCP Sheriff app has an additional feature that allows the public to report anonymously if they choose to do so.

The UCP Sheriff app also has a wellness solution section where deputies can access health and wellness resources. Sheriff’s offices can even upload helpful webinars regarding wellness for the members of their force and their designated partner or spouse.

Community Policing

The convenience of sending intel through an app to local deputies will increase the number of tips and leads the public will provide to their local sheriff’s office. In turn, with more leads, and more accurate information such as a photo or video of a person of interest or suspicious vehicle, law enforcement may be able to apprehend a subject more quickly. Faster apprehension is one way to enhance public safety.

Through a sheriff’s office mobile application, deputies can also alert the public of any road closures or high police activity situations. The more the community is aware of an escalating incident, the more likely they will stay away from that area. Sheriffs and command staff can also alert the public of a situation where they may need more information. This can be done by simply posting on the social media feature of the UCP Sheriff app.

The Know Your Sheriff feature allows sheriff's offices to upload information about the current Sheriff, deputies, and department in general. This is a key feature that lets the public get to know their local sheriff’s office better. Especially in a rural community, it can be difficult for sheriff’s deputies to even cross paths with the community they serve. The Know Your Sheriff key feature in the UCP Sheriff app is an effective way for citizens to familiarize themselves with their local sheriff’s office.

The permit section in the UCP Sheriff app enables sheriff’s offices to upload information about obtaining specific permits. For instance, if a citizen wanted to learn how to get a concealed carry weapon permit, their local sheriff’s office could provide all the information in the app. Though websites are still an effective way to provide information to the public, an app is quick and easy to use, and most people have a smartphone on or near them at all times.

The two key features that include inmate information and the most wanted lists in the UCP Sheriff app are another way for local sheriff’s offices to equip the citizens they serve with information that affects their safety. With these two categories, the public can be aware of dangerous individuals and may relate information to the sheriff’s office should they come across these subjects.

The more transparent a sheriff’s office is and the more a law enforcement agency connects with the community, the more likely community members will trust their local deputies and sheriff. The more that trust is built, the more likely the public will support their local deputies and the more likely they will relate any pertinent information to the sheriff’s office.

Community policing as a whole has increased and the impact has enhanced public safety as well as relationships between the public and law enforcement. A sheriff’s office mobile application is a convenient way to increase community policing as well.

A sheriff's office application can decrease miscommunication too. Landline telephones and radios are still effective and necessary forms of communication. However, if a connection is poor, it may be difficult for the dispatcher to hear some of the imperative information. When this happens, dispatchers usually try to figure the information out or call the reporting party back if the call drops. This takes time and sometimes the details are still misheard. By implementing an app such as UCP Sheriff, reporting parties can send a direct message to their local sheriff's office. In addition, one of the key features of StackBench's app is that the exact GPS coordinates of the reporting party can be included. This way sheriff's deputies will know exactly where to go to handle a call. Having this type of information so readily available decreases response time which increases safety.

Getting the App

To enhance safety in your community and to connect directly with the public you serve, take a look at UCP Sheriff from StackBench. This sheriff’s office application is free to the public and is both iPhone and Android compatible. Take a look at the key features of the UCP Sheriff app that are customizable to the needs of your community.

With a sheriff's office mobile application such as UCP Sheriff, command staff can broadcast ongoing and current situations in real time too. This way no matter what is happening around the county the public can be aware and may avoid certain areas, or send deputies information that may be helpful through the app. The more aware a community is about incidents occurring the more public safety and situational awareness is increased.

Take a look at StackBench’s website to find out more about the UCP Sheriff app and how it can enhance safety for deputies and the public alike. There are numerous positive aspects to using a sheriff's office app. Law enforcement applications and their capabilities will only increase with time. Get the UCP Sheriff app for your department today and see the positive impact a sheriff's office app can make.